Fi | About me

Welcome to Papur, a Welsh Stationery Company, and thanks for visiting the website.


I’m Anwen, a mum to two beautiful girls, based in South Wales. I love coffee (only since I was writing up my PhD), I love a good Sauvignon Blanc (only since I got married) and I love being outdoors (always loved this, but more so since having children). 


I have always loved stationery, always loved to do lists and the satisfaction you have in ticking things off. The idea of Papur started in lockdown 2020/2021 where I was writing more and more lists, homeschooling lists, making meal plans and keeping all our lives ‘in check’ – by making even more lists. When I went searching for a planner that suited all my needs (especially a Welsh one), I couldn’t find one, so decided to design one myself. This particular design took a back seat when a few teacher friends suggested that I should design a teacher planner – fast forward to now, and we have it; a first edition.


Other, ideas have come to the fore as the journey has progressed. I have no idea where this journey will take Papur, but hopefully it’ll be one filled with to do lists and planners!



Anwen x